You cannot act if there is an own interest conflict or a significant risk of such conflict. ‘Own interest conflict’ means any situation where your duty to act in the best interests of any client in relation to a matter conflicts, or there is a significant risk that it may conflict, with the interests of yourself or a colleague or the Firm, in relation to that or a related matter. This arises where the Firm’s ability to act independently in the best interests of the client is impaired by reason of a financial interest, or a personal relationship, or the appointment of a colleague or member of their family to public office, or a commercial relationship, or employment.  

For further information, please see the Firm’s Conflict of Interests Policy. 

Warning: Should you act where there is a conflict or significant risk of a conflict, this is potentially reportable to the applicable Regulatory Authority and will be logged as a breach on the Firm’s Breaches Register