Jowanna Conboye quoted in Modern Law / CTS roundtable report on technology in the legal sector

4 August 2021

Our Intellectual Property & Technology Partner Jowanna Conboye took part in the Modern Law and CTS roundtable on how the legal sector can leverage technology for competitiveness, and is quoted in the final summary report.

During the roundtable, law firm leaders shared what success looks like to them, how they make decisions about where to invest, and how smaller IT budgets can compete against their larger counterparts.

Explaining how colleagues can help each other with IT to foster a collaborative environment, Jowanna says: “I think there’s real value in that true IT trainer role, as well as in empowering your fellow colleagues to help each other. If you have that structure in your firm where you can train each other, rather than always having to pick up the phone to IT help desks, you’re going to get full uptake on IT.” 

Jowanna goes on to discuss how quite often, staff may not wish to speak to their IT Team as they worry that their question will sound stupid. Therefore, if they were able to ask a work colleague for help instead, it would be hugely beneficial.

Download the report

Jowanna Conboye
Partner - Intellectual Property, Technology & Commercial
Jowanna Conboye is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in Intellectual property, trade marks, patents, licencing; information technology, software development, licence agreements, outsourcing, commercial contracts, B2B, B2C, online sales, GDPR, data sharing agreements, processor/controller agreements.