Jowanna Conboye has been quoted in key industry title Retail Sector, discussing the caterpillar cake battle

6 May 2021

Intellectual Property and Technology Partner Jowanna Conboye has been quoted in key industry title Retail Sector, discussing the caterpillar cake battle between Marks & Spencer and Aldi. The case was much publicised by Aldi’s savvy social media team, with a good majority of the general public on its side, despite it having breached Marks & Spencer’s copyright.

Noting that the case has become a PR battle rather than a straightforward IP claim, Jowanna explains: “Brand protection is not all about the law”. 

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Jowanna Conboye
Partner - Intellectual Property, Technology & Commercial
Jowanna Conboye is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in Intellectual property, trade marks, patents, licencing; information technology, software development, licence agreements, outsourcing, commercial contracts, B2B, B2C, online sales, GDPR, data sharing agreements, processor/controller agreements.