Jowanna Conboye comments on Europe’s approach to data protection

11 January 2022

Compliance Week has reported on the failure of Europe’s wide-reaching data privacy rules to curb Big Tech’s use and abuse of citizens’ personal data.

The article reflected that despite some headline-grabbing fines, concerns have arisen because the GDPR focusses on data privacy and ignores other areas such as unfair competition where users’ data can be abused for financial gain.

Jowanna Conboye, our Data Protection and Technology Partner comments: “The issues with Big Tech and how they operate in relation to users spans the wider legal landscape, and effective regulation cannot and should not be left solely to data protection authorities.” She added while the GDPR was designed for personal data, “much of the way its content is designed to work is already outdated.”

Read the article.

Jowanna Conboye
Partner - Intellectual Property, Technology & Commercial
Jowanna Conboye is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in Intellectual property, trade marks, patents, licencing; information technology, software development, licence agreements, outsourcing, commercial contracts, B2B, B2C, online sales, GDPR, data sharing agreements, processor/controller agreements.