IP & Tech Partner Jowanna Conboye featured in Images Magazine

3 June 2021

Our Intellectual Property and Technology Partner Jowanna Conboye has been featured in an interview for Images Magazine, discussing IP issues for the garment decoration industry following the well-known case concerning the use of Rihanna’s photograph on a T-shirt sold by Topshop.

Jowanna explains who would be at fault in such cases, and what needs to be contained within contracts to ensure the rights to use images or wording are protected.

Using the Rihanna case as an example to illustrate consequences for IP infringement, Jowanna says: “This shows the paramount importance of having good business terms and conditions.”

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Jowanna Conboye
Partner - Intellectual Property, Technology & Commercial
Jowanna Conboye is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She specialises in Intellectual property, trade marks, patents, licencing; information technology, software development, licence agreements, outsourcing, commercial contracts, B2B, B2C, online sales, GDPR, data sharing agreements, processor/controller agreements.