Enterprise Nation features Kristy Gouldsmith on the new UK/US data bridge

19 June 2023

Whilst visiting Washington D.C. recently, the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the ‘Atlantic Declaration’, a first-of-its kind economic partnership between the UK and US.

With the focus on establishing a new approach to allow the US and UK to trade more deeply, the Prime Minister unveiled plans for a data bridge, ensuring that trade between US and UK businesses would become smoother by removing the current barriers companies face when transferring data.

An Enterprise Nation article by Dan Martin highlights the impact the data bridge could have for small businesses in the UK and featured comments from our Data Protection, Privacy and Cybersecurity Partner Kristy Gouldsmith.

Reacting to the news of the proposed data bridge, Kristy said: “A ‘data bridge’ between the UK and the USA would be a good thing for businesses as they could freely transfer personal data to recipients in the United States without needing to take any additional steps such as entering into an International Data Transfer Agreement or carrying out transfer risk assessments.”

Read the article here.

Kristy Gouldsmith
Partner - Data Protection, Privacy & Cybersecurity
Kristy Gouldsmith is a Partner Solicitor at Spencer West. She has years of experience in advising a wide variety of organisations across all sectors, including SaaS platforms, retailers, manufacturers, schools, care homes, financial services, law firms and property developers.