For a company, you should obtain the following information: 

  • Company name and number 
  • Company address 
  • The law to which the company is subject 
  • Full names of board of directors 
  • Ownership and control structure of the company 
  • Names of beneficial owners/shareholders (with percentages held or other key controlling parties) 
  • Information to evidence it is listed on the regulated market, where necessary 

For a trust, the information below should be obtained: 

  • Trust name 
  • The law to which the trust is subject 
  • Full name of trustees 
  • Full name of settlor and or the beneficiaries 
  • Indicate whether the trustees, settlor or beneficial owners is the client 
  • Indicate whether the beneficial owner is the settlor, beneficiary or trustee 
  • Nature and purpose of the trust 
  • UK only – Is the trust registered with the tax authorities (HMRC) 

The full detail is at: AML_Know Your Client Form.docx